Welcome to BEEELKU Specimen Database Based on the Bee Collection Preserved in the Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University !

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<i>Andrena hebes</i> Pérez (Andrenidae, Lake Jyusan-ko, Apmori Pref., Japan)

Andrena hebes Pérez (Andrenidae, Lake Jyusan-ko, Apmori Pref., Japan)

A database BeeELKU is a specimen database based on the bee collection preserved in the Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University, except for Prof. Tadauchi’s foreign collections. Three professors of the laboratory, Prof. Keizo Yasumatsu, Prof. Yoshihiro Hirashima and Prof. Osamu Tadauchi have studied bees and accumulated many specimens of bees in the laboratory. The total number of specimens at present is 59,186 (November 6, 2012). Each record consists of 19 items according to a format of the Darwin Core of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF), such as scientific name, country, collecting locality, collecting date, collector, etc.

The related bee database files are as follows:
HANABACHI (Image database based on the Japanese bees)
TABR (Reference database based on troipical Asian bees)
ELKUType (Type specimen database based on the collection preserved in the Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University)
BeeFukuda (Bee specimen database based on Dr. Fukuda’s collection )
BeeCAsia (Bee specimen database based on the collection collected in Central Asia by the Kyushu University Expedition)
BeeFTadauchi (Bee specimen database based on Prof. Tadauchi’s collection collected in foreign countries)
JBeeBOL (Bee specimen database based on the specimens used for DNA barcoding)

The BeeELKU is managed by a text database management system SIGMA.
The BeeELKU file is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi) and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and a Grant-in-Aid for Biodiversity Database from Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi).
The use of data in this database is free of charge if the objective is academic study or educational purposes.

Items of Data

Data and Tags are the Following 19 items.

1. (BOX) Box
2. (DATE) Date Last Modified
3. (INST) Institution Code
4. (COLC) Collection Code
5. (NAME) Scientific Name
6. (BR) Basis of Record
7. (KING) Kingdom
8. (PHY) Phylum
9. (CL) Class
10. (OR) Order
11. (FAM) Family
12. (GEN) Genus
13. (SP) Species
14. (AU) Scientific Name Author
15. (COL) Collector
16. (COLD) Collecting Date
17. (LOC) Locality
18. (C) Country
19. (REL) Relation Type (associated plants)

Example of a record

Image 01
Box 1
Date Last Modified 2010. 02. 28
Institution Code ELKU
CollectionCode BEE ELKU
Scientific Name Andrena (Stenomelissa) halictoides
Basis of Record S
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Hymenoptera
Family Andrenidae
Genus Andrena
Scientific Name Author Smith, 1869
Collector K. Baba
Collecting Date 08/05/1985
Country JP
Locality Komagawa, Asahi, N-Echigo, Honshu
Relation Type (associated plants) host: Kumauchigo, K15-KMI

Publications, Manuals and Explanations

Tadauchi, O., C. Hirosawa, H. Inoue, T. Sugimoto, R. Murao, N. Takahashi, S. Sato, K. Mitai and Y. Hara, 2009. Specimen database AIIC, Asian insect information center database, based on types and normal specimens collected in Asia and the Pacific Area, Part 1. Esakia, (49): 1-5.


Copyright Notice

Entomology Database Project Group (Head: O. Tadauchi, Editors: O. Tadauchi, T. Sugimoto, T. Murao, K. Mitai, C. Nakamura, System administrator: H. Inoue, Y. Hara, F. Kamitomo) holds the copyright on the entomology database BeeELKU.

Inquiries and Comments

Inquiries and Comments about BeeELKU Should be the Following E-mail Address.

Database BeeELKU (Osamu Tadauchi, Satoshi Kamitani)
Entomological Laboratory,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, 812-8581
E-mail: tadauchi@kyudai.jp
E-mail: kamitani@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp


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